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WT: Atoh'mo





Revamp of an old bab for this RAD group!

-goes to get started on rp requirement-

Edit: Had to do a good bit of work on the written part, hopefully its better now!


Name:  Atoh’mo

   Nickname: Ato, MoMo, TohToh

Age:  26

Birthday: June 2

   Star Sign: Gemini

Height:  5’ 7”

Weight: 150lbs


    The Nef’in: Creators   (not too keen on calling them family, but they are the reason he’s here)

        -Race of inorganics resembling robotic squid and octopi that claim superiority over all organic species

        -Function as a hive mind society controlled by a single computer brain that is usually stowed away safely in the most guarded portion of              the temporary strongholds they build

        -Gather knowledge from other planets and attempt to assimilate the inhabitants to their ideals.

        -Planets and the people on it end up destroyed due to the Ne’fin using up all the resources, or the Ne’fin out right just destroying the
         planet when meeting resistance

        -If hive mind is destroyed, all Ne’fin cease to function.

    The Ki’unka:  Adopted family race

        -Race of organics that is mouse like in nature

        -Have strong connections to their Great Deity

        -Use galaxy crystals that are unique to Llamiia in order to communicate with the spiritual/magical realm

        -tend to incorporate these crystals into jewelry pieces ranging from rings to necklaces

        -the crystal can act as a translator for non-natives to the Ki’unka, and induce visions when necessary

        -are a proud but peaceful race, preferring their simple life over one cluttered with technology

Species: Artificial Hybrid (Human/Geoffroy's Spider Monkey)

    Physical Traits: Atoh’mo was formed from splicing the genetics of a human and Geoffroy’s Spider Monkey (also known as the black handed spider monkey). They designed him to have the most desirable traits for a being that would be spending most of its time observing from the trees. This includes the prehensile feet and tail. His tail is strong enough to support all of Atoh’mo’s weight when he’s suspended. Another aspect of the spider monkey is its ability to identify and memorize various things, such as types of foods that are good for consumption as well as their location. Because of this, Atoh’mo’s memory is excellent. He tends to move much faster on all fours on his prehensile feet due to their anatomy.  

     Experiment name: His former title, T-137xy-Sstands for Trial-137, xy=male, S=Success. He was first success out of 137 attempts by the Ne’fin to create artificial life. They had planned on created more with various animal DNA with a lack of personality/free will after his planned demise, but their project was brought to a sudden, explosive halt.

    Behavioural Chip:  This chip was implanted in Atoh’mo’s brain to both help regulate his stealth suit, and also control him if the situation arose. The chip is found on the frontal lobe of his brain in the area that controls his motor skills. By activating the chip, they could take control of his ability to move and he would be unable to stop them despite being aware of what is taking place. Any attempts at resistance would result in severe pain and continued resistance could result in brain damage.

Dimension: Llamiia

      Llamiia is a beautiful planet within the bounds of  the Sai’aka star system. The climate is tropical all around with lush, purple hued rain forests, humming with the ancient thrum of tradition  in area, while the rest of the planet is dominated by a monumental metropolis, bursting with innovation and latest tech.  It is also a planet plagued with growing unrest. The people and land are divided, on the verge of a fallout due to deep rooted disagreements surrounding an age old debate:

         Which is superior? Magic or Technology? Tradition or Innovation?

The Ki’unka

         In the time before the Great Divide, the natives of Llamiia lived simply. The use of magic was commonplace and the worship of a higher power was unquestioned.  Prayers to their Great Deity and the use of ancient enchantments helped their crops to grow strong and healthy and there was want for nothing. Magic was infused into their homes and around their lands to protect them from the wild beasts that in habited their forests. Nature was respected, the inhabitants only taking what was necessary for their needs. The people were happy with what they had, and never thought  to pursue something more beyond what  old traditions taught them was necessary.

The Nef’in

They are a foreign, nomadic, destructive race, stumbling upon Llamiia  during their interplanetary travels. First contact with the Ki'unka inhabiting the vast forests was civil, the natives quite curious towards them and their highly advanced technologies. However, attitudes soon shifted when the Nef’in began to pressure them into changing their outdated way of life. Hostilities grew so severe as the years passed that  the Nef’in, concluding that there was nothing to be gained, parted ways with their hosts , taking up residence on the opposite side of the planet. In a few months time, walls were erected to keep the races and their ideals separated resulting in what is known as “The Great Divde”.

Great Divide Era

     Life after the Great Divide was...extremely difficult for the Ki'unka. Since they had refused what the Nef'in had to offer, they were seen as an infestation on their own planet. Something to be eradicated completely, simply due to the fact that they would not conform.

     The Ne'fin began to expand, taking up many of the natural resources in the process. This, in turn, forced the natives to constantly move, looking for a places of refuge from the growing tyrannt in their midst. They tried their best to fight back many times, but the result always ended up with more loss of life than they were willing to sacrifice. So they chose to continue running, relocating, and settling, only to be uprooted to repeat the same process.

     In spite of all this hardship, the Ki'unka never wavered from their traditions and defied all efforts by the Ne'fin to break them. Regardless of whatever 'power' the Ne'fin claimed to have over them with their technology, they were never able to truly get the upper hand and bring the proud people to their knees. So they came to a drastic conclusion: If they couldn't discourage them, they would destroy them.



    Beginnings: Atoh’mo (known as T-137xy-S) was created by the Ne’fin to be the eventual destroyer of the Ki’unka race. He was manipulated into believing that he was the only one of his kind to avoid be wiped out by the Ki’unka and that it was his duty to avenge his race. The hybrid was fitted with sufficient weapons [see weapons section] as well as put through brutal training in order to ensure that he would be able to carry out his duties without so much as flinch towards the thought of taking a life (or several for that matter. His brain was fitted with a behavioral control chip as a precaution, in case the situation arose where he was unable (or refused) to do as ordered.

    Recon: When he turned 18, he was deemed ready to go out into the field and gather intel on the Ki’unka, relaying the data back to his creators for their own purposes. On the first day of recon, he merely watched as a young native was killed and devoured by savage beast when was fully capable of saving her life, his hatred towards them so strong at that time. From the body’s remains, he collected crystal ring that he decided to keep for himself as  rather morbid memento of his first day on the job. Much information was gather on the Ki’unka during this year long survey that was useful to the Ne’fin, however, Atoh’ mo began making some personal observations of the natives and their mannerisms that didn’t quite fit the descriptions he’d been provided with from his youth.

    Divine Intervention: When the day came for the destruction of the Ki’unka, Atoh’mo was provided with a lethal explosive and orders to deposit it in the center most region of the natives camp. This happened to be the same area where an altar to the Great Diety of the Ki’unka had been erected. Just as he was about the plant the bomb at the steps of the altar, he was bombarded with visions that shed light on what he really was and who the true enemies were in this conflict. After the experience, he found himself magically transported back to the Ne’fin city, in a room that was full of dormant hybrids just like himself. After a bit of inner turmoil, he turned against his creators, destroying them with their own weapon, hoping he’d perish along with them.

    Saved and Forgiven: Instead of dying like he had hoped, he awoke to find himself in the care of the very people he’d been created to destroy. He was informed that he had been found outside the smoking ruins of the Ne’fin city severely wounded. He had a literal breakdown, unsure of how to process all of the conflicting emotions at the time, but he knew he didn’t deserve any of their kindness, whether or not it was sincere. He did come to the decision that if something saw fit to give him a second chance of sorts, he would live the rest of his life making up for the sins of his past. He understood that he had been manipulated, but he couldn’t help but feel responsible or his own actions regardless.

    Among the Ki’unka:  It was a difficult road with a lot of hiccups on his end, but in time, Atoh’mo was mostly accepted among the Ki’unka. He was even given his current name, meaning “redeemable” in their language as a recognition of the progress he had made despite his passed and former nature. He was taught many things while under their care, including how to survive in the wilderness without technology, how to care and be cared for, and how to have fun and genuinely smile. A lot of the things he learned would seem little and trivial, but to him, it seemed to open a whole new world beyond what he’d previously known. Little did he know that his new world was about to get MUCH bigger.

    The Train: Atoh’mo first ‘discovered’ the train via visions he began having a little after his 26 birthday. These visions felt similar to the ones he had  several years ago, leaving him to assume that the same force that showed him the truth in the past had something more in store of him. As the visions persisted and became more and more vivid, he went to one of the village shamans to ask for guidance. He was told to pursue after the train, as it may provide him more than what they could for him at this time. Taking the shaman’s advice, the hybrid left on a journey to find the train.  Once he discovered it, he boarded as soon as the door opened to him, thrilled to start his next adventure.

    View Full History Here--> Atoh'mo Full History



     |Determined|Excitable|Extroverted|Curious|Loyal|Aggressive|Rebellious|Naive|Prone to fits of Rage


     He's determined, easily excited, and way too easily entertained by the stupidest of things. Seeing as he was never exposed to the simple pleasures of life until later on his lifetime, things like butterflies, popcorn popping in an microwave, and snow are a few instances that will send him into a excited jitter. Having become a very social and curious creature, he's eager to learn what others might have to teach him since his upbringing was solely focused on him learning how to be a ruthless killer. He comes off as quite friendly, apparently willing to befriend most anyone, but there are those times that his attempts at friendliness are almost forced, as if he’s trying too hard to show that YES he’s a good, nice, caring  person that totally. He can be a bit of a prankster as well with a sense of humor that took him years to develop, finding a laugh can do the body good. He’s very eager to please and prove himself once he’s found someone that will give him the time of day, hoping that his skills might get people to stick around him and see him as an ally. He thrives off interaction with others since his years among the Ki’unka taught him the importance of forming lasting relationships. Though, sometimes his affinity for proximity with others can be quite obnoxious especially for those who value their space.

    As friendly a face as he puts on and as eager as he is to form bonds with other train goers, he is actually very slow to trust and quite naive about certain things due to the events of his past. Undeniably loyal once friendship (and ultimately his trust) is achieved, you can be sure he'll watch your back in the midst of a fight. However, if he’s ever betrayed, he can hold quite the grudge, and the offender would be hard pressed to earn back his trust. He's not as easily angered as he used to be and is patient enough, but when pushed to his limits, one will see a glimpse of who he was before. Especially if he’s forced against his will as it brings up bad memories from his early  life, or if his loved ones are in danger. A much more an aggressive, rebellious, and  vengeful side of his personality will come to light.


- superior agility  thanks to spider monkey DNA

-skilled in the art of ambush and using hand thrown projectiles to strike sensitive regions of the body such as the face, neck, and joints while staying out of sight and out of reach (most accurate within a range of 15 to 20 feet. Stealth suit allows him a range of up to 40 ft for accuracy. However, accuracy does vary based on the item being thrown.)

-Ranged combat with his techbo staff, hand to hand, and espionage

-well balanced in uneven , sheltered,  and tree covered terrain

-stealth suit absorbs energy in the air released from magic usage of others for fuel,  allows him to turn invisible,  and shoot energy shards (Can remain invisible until the suit starts to tax on his brain if there is a strong enough source of magic energy present. If not, he has thirty minutes worth of invisibility that he must use wisely. There are times when the invisibility option isn’t available due to a low amount of magic energy in the air.)

-master of sleight of hand magic tricks and darts

-playing elaborate, harmless pranks

-sews his own outfits, lookit that patchwork

-Eating you out of house and home

-can manipulate his voice to sound like a completely different person or various objects, especially loves to do this when telling stories

-very good memory and does well with vocal instruction, quick learner


-what he has in speed, he lacks in actual strength

- no good when it comes to flat, open terrain

-cannot take heavy hits so tends to spend his energy dodging, over striking blows

-Suffers from awful headaches caused by a behavior control (BC) chip embedded in his brain. Pain ranges from tolerable to debilitating (episodes come at random and can last from minutes to days, rendering him pretty useless)

-stealth suit loses all abilities when  no energy has been absorbed and becomes nothing but a fancy costume,  Invisibility uses up ALOT of energy and must be used sparingly

-extended use of the suit is actually mentally taxing due to the BC chip and can trigger headaches or even fry his brain if he pushes too hard (two hours of continuous, intense usage is when the headaches start. Continuing to use the suit after that point increases the severity until his brain literally shuts down and he passes out at the 5 hour mark. Once he wakes up,  he is extremely weak andcan’t access the suit for two weeks or he risks turning himself into a vegetable)

-electrical attacks (whether magic or no) have a great potential for triggering his headaches

-does not know his way around firearms, like how do?

-sometimes his pranks can go out of control with disastrous consequences

-was never taught skills such as cooking, cleaning, reading, basic math and the like while he was with his creators. The natives taught him some things, such as cooking over an open fire and how to sew, but he's still at a great disadvantage when it comes to the domestic, common place things. Like, how does one cook with stove????

-if someone is tech savvy enough and they find the right frequency, they could actually take control of Ato's actions


   Health: 100

   Magic: 20

   Attack: 150*

   Defense: 50*



    *Stealth Suit Affected: Attack and defense increase slightly (170 and 70 respectively, speed is lowered to 140)


-TechBo staff: can form different sorts of blade tips if he so wishes, such as spear heads, axe heads, and hammer heads (no, not the shark)

-throwing projectiles (needles, darts, cards, apples, the occasional chair…whatever is handy at the time)

-Magic-energy absorbing stealth suit

-clever one -liners


-sewing needles and thread

-TechBo Staff

- hip bags that hold his throwing needles and darts

-crystal ring (most prized possession)

-touching things

-learning new things

-high places

-playing pranks

-hanging upside down by his tail (whether it be on object or people, he doesn’t mind)

-grooming himself and others

-a good competition


-being read to

-praise, head pats, and tail pets


-being grounded/sitting still for too long

-open, empty spaces

-being alone

-being excluded

-most meats

-being forced against his will

-having his tail yanked

-oppression in any form

Misc. Facts:

- sometimes coats his darts with toxins from animals/plants

-carries needles/thin metal shards in four pouches attached around his waist. Just in case.

-doesn't like shoes, so wraps feet in cloth

-toes as dexterous as hands, sometimes eats with feet (when they're clean)

-Has a labret and three piercings on right ear he received from the Ki’unka

-swears tail has a mind of its own

-black portion of tail is fur-less, just like a spider monkey's

-Can eat meat, but doesn't digest it well. Prefers fruits, veggies, seeds, and insects

-tail tends to wrap around people he likes

-has no concept of personal space

-only activates his battle suit when absolutely necessary

-please for the love of God, don't let him find out what DDR, Just Dance, or Dance Central are

-would like to get the chip in his brain removed one day. It would mean losing the ability to use the stealth suit, but nothing's worth being controled outside of your will

- he ain't got no belly button

- super sluggish in the mornings when he hasn't eaten

-talks to himself about food

- in order to activate the stealth suit on his own, he must speak a string of words in a specific order. Words are in Latin in order to avoid accidental activation

- Never took on a last name

Pet: None


-cricket noises-


RP Sample:

   Atoh'mo awoke with a start, drenched in a cold sweat. His chest heaved, his green eyes darting about frantically as they adjusted to the darkness of the sleeper car. With a slow exhale, he fell back on his pillow, staring at the ceiling. "What was THAT about..." he muttered, eyes squeezed shut as if he was trying to wish away some dark memory. "Ugh" He rubbed the back of his neck and groaned when he felt the tell-tale throb of one of his head aches. "Soooo, its gonna be one of THOSE days. Alright, that's cool, I can dig it" Swinging his feet around, the hybrid lept from the top bunk and landing with barely a sound. According to the clock, it was....oh wait, he couldn't read a clock with hands...or a digital markers...."Crraaaaaaaapppp...guess I'll just...sit at the dining car door 'til it opens..." He yawned loudly, "--like last time". Pulling on a shirt, he shuffled his way out towards the dining car, rubbing his grumbling stomach as his normally very alert tail dragged behind him. "Maybe they'll like...have those curved fruit things. Ya' know the ones you have to peel..." He lifted his hands, making downward tugging motion as the goofiest grin appeared on his lips "Oh man, that would be legiiiiiiit "


Atoh'mo is mine

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Jecksy-Candy's avatar
welcome to wt!!!!

*_* He reminds me of....STITCH....

*throws hawaiian flower necklaces at and flees*:iconrunrolanrunplz: